Seul Ki Choi, MPH, PhD
Assistant Professor, Family and Community Health, Penn Nursing

Brief Bio
Seul Ki Choi, PhD, MPH is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Family and Community Health at Penn Nursing and a core faculty fellow at the Eidos LGBTQ+ Health Initiative. Dr. Choi implements precision health approaches to address social determinants of health and promote health equity among sexual minority populations. She utilizes innovations in digital platforms to reach sexual and gender minority youths, offer information related to HIV prevention, promote social support, and ultimately, reduce health inequities. Her research also aims to increase the effectiveness of digital interventions for HIV prevention by promoting participant engagement. Rather than a “one size fits all” approach, she underscores the importance of optimized and tailored HIV-prevention interventions based on the diverse needs of sexual and gender minorities.
She earned an MPH in Biostatistics from Indiana University – Bloomington and a PhD in Health Behavior from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Program on Sexuality, Technology & Action Research at Penn Nursing.