Dominique G. Ruggieri, PhD
Capstone Director & Core Faculty, MPH Program & CEO, BonVie Health and Nutrition Consulting

Courses Taught
PUBH 5040 Public Health Theories & Frameworks, PUBH 7080 Capstone I, & PUBH 7090 Capstone II
Brief Bio
Dominique G. Ruggieri, PhD, as Capstone Director and faculty for the MPH program, enjoys collaborating on a variety of exciting and diverse projects spanning public health research, practice, and promotion. As a health communication specialist with expertise in qualitative research, she particularly enjoy opportunities to gain community insight, learning through others’ lived experiences, in order to help design tailored messages and public health programs. She believes that tailored health messages are an important first step toward improved understanding, engagement, and decision making about health behaviors. Additionally, her work through BonVie Health and Nutrition Consulting focuses on organizational public health consulting, as well as group and individual nutrition coaching. Her research, mentoring, and consulting work have been applied to numerous health areas, such as type-2 diabetes, smoking cessation, colorectal cancer, risk communication, clinical trial decision making, environmental health, school-aged health, exercise, trans health, pediatric obesity, stress management and mindfulness, and other areas. She feels so grateful to work alongside the impressive and diverse group of public health professionals, researchers, educators, advocates, and students that comprise Penn’s Center for Public Health.
- A framework for public health crises: How America has used public health to justify exclusionary immigration laws (and where we go from here)
- Impacts of non-driving related license suspensions on quality of life: A qualitative study
- Understanding clinician strategies for discussing driving fitness with patients: An initiative to improve provider-patient discussions about safe driving