Our History
The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Public Health (previously the Center for Public Health Initiatives) is a university-wide center which was founded in 2007 by the Provost’s Office. We promote interdisciplinary research, education, and practice in public health.
Our Leadership
The Founding Director of CPHI was Dr. Marjorie Bowman. Our previous Executive Director was Jennifer Pinto Martin and the current Executive Director is Dr. Rich Wender.
Our Core Goals
Educating the public health workforce
Building healthier communities
Advancing the science of public health
Our Mission
The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Public Health’s mission is to educate and train new and emerging public health leaders, foster multi-disciplinary collaborations, and promote excellence in public health research and community partnerships.
To achieve this mission, we:
Support and foster growth of our world-class, multidisciplinary Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program
Provide high quality learning opportunities, seminars and institutes for students, faculty, alumni, and practitioners
Foster the application of evidence-based approaches and experiences in public health, emphasizing translation of science into sustainable health improvements in communities
Facilitate collaboration for public health related research, involving faculty in multiple existing centers, institutes, and departments across the university
Graduate Program
The CPH is the partner center with Penn’s interdisciplinary Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program, which is the only CEPH accredited MPH program organized in this way in the U.S.